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![]() E-BULLETIN Final e-bulletin Dear colleagues, This is our final SUFAREL e-bulletin with information about activities, news, announcements, publications, etc. Please also visit our web page http://sufarel.marstu.net/ Latest results of the SUFAREL July 2014, we got positive expert evaluation of the QF in forestry sector of Russian Federation organized by the SUFAREL partner “Guild of Experts in Higher Education”. There were some remarks and suggestions from experts, which definitely improved the QF. http://sufarel.marstu.net/eng/ramka_eng.html August 2014, we also went through the external expert peer-review of the overall SUFAREL activities and outcomes. The result was positive as well with minor remarks. September 2014, final infodays about project activities and findings to be held in RU Universities. September 2014, proceedings of the third consortium’s seminar were published in e-format and installed on the projects’http://sufarel.marstu.net/eng/publication_eng.html October 2014, with the help of prof. Valentin Shalayev (MSFU) the QF will be discussed on two important forestry events in RF: Upcoming events Please send to our coordinator Kaisa Kaukiainen the required reports (CSC, IMRs). We remind you, that eligibility period of our project end 14/10/2014. After that any financial transfers will not be eligible. November 2014, the external audit of the project in the University of Helsinki. We still accept your remarks and comments on the developed QF and will be grateful to you for any additional suggestion. E-bulletin 3 Dear colleagues, I’m happy to send you the second SUFAREL e-bulletin with information about activities, news, announcements, publications, etc. Please also visit our web page http://sufarel.marstu.net/ Latest results of the SUFAREL 22 January 2014, Workshop was organized with RU Universities (videoconference) with the Universities of Helsinki and Copenhagen. http://sufarel.marstu.net/eng/seminar_eng.html January 2014, proceedings of the third consortium’s seminar were published in e-format and installed on the project webpage http://sufarel.marstu.net/eng/files/Proccedings%20SUFAREL%202.pdf Upcoming events 27-29 May 2014, Dissemination conference in Saint Petersburg “Qualifications framework for Sustainable forestry” Key dates and deadlines 20 April 2014 Proceedings submission deadline 27-29 May Conference http://ftacademy.ru/international/conference/events/index.php?view=more&lang=eng&id=37 30 June - 04 July 2014, Summer school “Multilevel Forest Governance in Russia and Europe” in St. Petersburg Forest Technical University for PhD and master students. Program will be ready shortly. E-bulletin 2 Dear colleagues, I’m happy to send you the second SUFAREL e-bulletin with information about activities, news, announcements, publications, etc. Please also visit our web page http://sufarel.marstu.net/ Latest results of the SUFAREL February, proceedings of the second consortium’s seminar were published in e-format and installed on the projects’ webpage 12 April, Consortium members took part in the all-Russian conference webinar “Development of the national system of qualifications certification in RF: regional aspect”. Presentations (rus) from the conference could be found on the webpage of National agency for Qualifications Development (NARK) of Russian Federation. March - April, first infodays about project activities and findings were held in Moscow State University of Forestry, Ural State Forest Engineering University and Bashkir State Agrarian University 27 February, Workshop was organized with RU Universities (videoconference) with Russian National agency for Qualifications Development (NARK) and Chelyabinsk State University. Presentations on Russian are available. Upcoming events 5 May – 5 June, Training of two RU PHD students at EFI - “Sustainability Impact Assessment Methods” 18-24 May, Training of RU participants (teachers, foresters) in Padua University (Italy). Program will be ready shortly. 26-30 May, Consortium’s 3 meeting and training seminar in Lille (France). 8-12 July, Summer school in St. Petersburg Forest Technical University 1 July, deadline for the articles to be published in second proceedings of the SUFAREL. Guidelines and requirements to te articles are the same. Please send them to kurbanovea@volgatech.net 16-30 September, training seminars of RU participants in BOKU and AUT. The program will be discussed during the 3 consortium meeting in Lille. E-bulletin 1 Dear colleagues, In the work plan of SUFAREL activities there is dissemination part of the project, which includes so-called E-bulleting of the consortium. Shortly we are going to start sending you the latest information about our activities, forthcoming events, project results, and other useful news. We should disseminate the SUFAREL outcomes in other networks and communities as well. Therefore, please feel free to send me your suggestions in this respect. We also will install E-bulletin information on our web page. Our nearest activities: 15-20 February, proceedings of the second consortium’s seminar will be published in e-format. February, first E-learning courses (on Russian) will be installed on the SUFAREL’s portal at Volga Tech. 27 February, Workshop and info days in RU Universities (videoconference) with Russian National agency for Qualifications Development (NARK) (only for RU partners). 1-31 May, Training of RU PHD students at EFI - “Sustainability Impact Assessment Methods” 18-24 May, Training of RU participants (teachers) in Padua (Italy) 27-29 May, Consortium’s 3 meeting in Lille (France). Please also see below information from another forest project Trees4Future. We believe that our E-bulleting also will be in such format. |